
小跨高比连梁的几种配筋形式研究 被引量:3

Research on several reinforcement arrangements of coupling beams with small span-to-depth ratios
摘要 小跨高比连梁是剪力墙结构中常用的构件,也是抗剪承载力和延性要求较高的构件。本文采用数值分析的方法计算了几个钢筋用量相同但是配筋形式不同的连梁,分析了这些连梁的荷载-位移曲线、混凝土MISES应力与钢筋应力。结果表明沿连梁高度方向配置分段封闭箍筋的连梁的抗剪承载力最高,并且表现出较好的延性。 Coupling beam with small span-to-depth ratios is commonly used in shear wall structure, it requires a higher shear capacity and ductility. In this paper, the finite element method was used to cal- culate several coupling beams with different reinforcement arrangements which have same weight of reinforcement. The load-displacement curves of these beams and MISES stress of concrete, stress of reinforcement were analyzed. The results showed that the coupling beam whose stirrup was divided into several rings along the depth of the beam has the highest shear capacity,and exhibit good ductili- ty.
出处 《安徽建筑工业学院学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第1期70-73,共4页 Journal of Anhui Institute of Architecture(Natural Science)
关键词 小跨高比连梁 抗剪承载力 延性 coupling beam with small span-to-depth ratios shear capacity ductility
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