The Principle of Indifference and its paradoxes are of long-standing. John M. Keynes, one of the founders of contemporary inductive logic, devoted himself to eliminating these troubles. This paper introduces several typical paradoxes of indifference and some ten- tative solutions to them, and traces a trouble related with these paradoxes back to the founder of Bayesian method, who had also been puzzled by it. We propose a solution of all these puz- zles, which imposes restrictions of trial setup on the classical Principle of Indifference and to meet the condition of linear indifference from a parameter 0 to its function f(O). Finally, we point out that the classical Principle of Indifference can be retained as an experientially heuristic principle, which will function without coming into conflict with the Principle of Indifference, a logical or quasi-logical principle, on the trial setup, while the latter is and we can even say that these two principles are complementary to each other.
Studies in Logic