
腹腔镜进展期胃癌D_2根治术手术路径的探讨 被引量:5

Discussion of surgical approach for laparoscopic D_2 radical operation for advanced gastric cancer
摘要 目的:探讨腹腔镜胃癌D2根治术的手术路径选择。方法:回顾分析为42例患者行腹腔镜胃癌D2根治术的临床资料。结果:42例手术均获成功,无一例中转开腹;其中18例行远端胃大部切除胃空肠Roux-en-Y吻合术,16例行全腹腔镜下远端胃大部切除胃十二指肠毕Ⅰ吻合术,8例行根治性全胃切除食管空肠Roux-en-Y吻合术。手术时间160~310 min,平均(218±34)min;术中出血量30~280 ml,平均(70±42)ml;清扫淋巴结数量16~32枚,平均(26±8)枚;术后分期Ⅰb期7例,Ⅱ期27例,Ⅲa期8例。结论:术者合理站位并选择合理正确的技术路线使腹腔镜胃癌D2根治术操作简便、易行。 Objective:To investigate the surgical approach of laparoscopic D2 radical operation for gastric cancer.Methods:Clinical data of 42 patients who underwent laparoscopic D2 radical resection for gastric cancer from Dec.2011 to Oct.2012 were analyzed retrospectively.Results:All operations were conducted successfully,without conversion to laparotomy.Of which,18 cases underwent distal gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy,16 cases underwent totally laparoscopic distal gastrectomy and BillrothⅠgastroduodenostomy,8 cases underwent total gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y esophagojejunostomy.The operation duration was 160-310 min,average(218±34) min.The intraoperative blood loss was 30-280 ml,average(70±42) ml.The number of dissected lymph nodes was 16-32,average(26±8).The TNM classification of the tumor were 7 cases of stage Ⅰb,27 cases stage Ⅱ and 8 cases of Ⅲa.Conclusions:The rational position of operator and properly designed approach can make the operation more feasible and convenient.
出处 《腹腔镜外科杂志》 2013年第1期15-17,共3页 Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
关键词 胃肿瘤 胃癌根治术 腹腔镜检查 手术路径 Stomach neoplasms Radical gastrectomy Laparoscopy Surgical approach
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