目的:探讨腹腔镜子宫肌瘤切除术术中减少出血的方法。方法:回顾分析为46例患者行腹腔镜子宫肌瘤切除术的临床资料,分析术中出血情况。结果:45例顺利完成腹腔镜手术,1例因术中出血多、镜下缝合困难中转开腹。术中出血量23例少于100 ml,16例为100~200 ml,7例在200 ml以上。结论:选择合适的病例、提高镜下操作技能、适当应用子宫收缩剂利于减少腹腔镜子宫肌瘤切除术术中出血。
Objective :To study the method of reducing hemorrhage in laparoscopic myomectomy. Methods: The clinical data of 46 patients who underwent laparoscopic myomectomy were retrospectively analyzed, the intraoperative bleeding was analyzed. Results: Laparoscopic operation was successfully completed in 45 patients, 1 patient was converted to laparotomy because of large amount of intr- aoperative blood loss and difficult suture under laparoscopy. During the operation, the amount of blood loss was less than 100 ml in 23 cases, between 100-200 ml in 16 cases, and more than 200 ml in 7 cases. Conclusions:The following procedures can reduce blood loss in laparoscopic myomeetomy : selection of appropriate cases, improvement of laparoscopic operation skills, and proper use of hysteroton- ies.
Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery