改编自美国作家斯蒂芬.金《不同的季节》(Different Seasons)中收录的《丽塔海华丝及萧山克监狱的救赎》的好莱坞大片《肖申克的救赎》并没有在翌年的奥斯卡上大放异彩,它不敌当时风头正劲的"主旋律"影片——《阿甘正传》。但是,在后来一系列的影视作品评选中,这部电影始终占据着各种排行榜的榜首。没有赢得评委的青睐,却俘虏了影迷的心,这部无冕之作成为了众人追捧的经典,并且历经十多年而不衰。对于这种反常的现象,笔者主要从情节编排、人物角色设置和台词运用方面分析了这部电影取得巨大成功的原因。
The Hollywood film, adapted from Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption of American writer Stephen King's Different Seasons,is not blossomed greatly on Osears in the following yerar because it can not match with the shining "theme" movie Forrest Gump at that time However,this film has always occupied a variety of lists of the top in the later works of a selection of film and telveision.Althongh it did not win the favor ot the .judges, it captured the hearts of fans. As a resuh, this uncrowned work became a classic which pursued by the public, and lasted more than ten years. For this anomaly, the writer analyze from the arrangement of plots, the setting of characters and the application of lines to explore the success of this fihn.
Journal of Huaihua University
Shawshank Redemption
arrangement of plots
setting of eharaeters
application of lines