拉赫玛尼诺夫给世人留下了不少的音乐艺术绚丽瑰宝。针对拉赫玛尼诺夫的《前奏曲OP.23 NO.5》,依次从上身各主要肢体(背部、肩膀、大臂、小臂、手腕、手掌、手指尖等)间的运用调节加以分析,这对研究如何弹出符合作曲家原意的音色有一定价值。
Rachmaninoffleaves the world a lot of brilliant treasures of Musical Arts. This paper analyses the regulation of the Rachmaninoff's Pre- lude OP.23 NO.5 sequentially from the upper body, the main limbs (back, shoulder, upper arm, forearm, wrist, palm, fingertips), and studies how to perform it in line with the composer' s original intention.