The principle of KGB (Kerb Guided Bus) is similar to that of rail transport. Train is running on the rail, but KGB is a bus system with small guide wheels, which are mounted on a J-beam bolted to the back of the front wheel of bus assembly. When the bus is steering on the concrete guide-way, the guide wheels will engage the vertical kerbs on either side of the track. The joggle between guide wheels and guide-way can direct the way, offering stable and reliable running of the bus. This innovative system not only has the flexibility and general applicability of a normal bus, but can also improve the opera- tional quality and service levels relying on "tracklization", thus has been welcomed by a number of cities, especially in Germany and UK. With an introduction of the classic cases of KGB, such as in Adelaide (Australia), Nagoya (Japan) and Cam- bridge Shire (UK), the performance of the KGB system, in-cluding functions, components, operating mode and operational efficiency are systematically analyzed.
Urban Mass Transit