
关节镜下自体腘绳肌后交叉韧带重建术的围术期护理 被引量:2

Perioperative period nursing of arthroscopic autologous hamstring posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
摘要 目的探讨关节镜下自体腘绳肌后交叉韧带重建术的围术期护理方法。方法 2007年11月~2012年2月本院施行关节镜下自体腘绳肌腱后交叉韧带重建术80例,对围术期护理进行系统性回顾。结果平均随访14个月,根据膝关节功能Lysholm评分标准,优66例,良14例,平均积分为(89.3±1.9)分。根据IKDC评分标准,膝关节功能完全恢复正常A级65例,接近正常B级15例。结论充分的术前评估和准备能让患者术后有心理准备、充满信心,术后早期康复锻炼、稳定性好、并发症少。 Objective To investigate the nursing methods during perioperative period of arthroscopic autologous ham- string posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Methods Eighty cases of arthroscopic autologous hamstring posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction were performed in our hospital from November 2007 to February 2012, their periopra- tive nursing was systematically reviewed. Results After follow up of mean 14 months, according to the Lysholm scoring standard of knee function, there were 66 cases of excellent effect, 14 cases of good effect, and mean score of (89.3:1= 1.9). According to the IKDC scoring standard, there were 65 cases who completely regained normal knee function of grade A and 15 cases of nearly normal function of grade B. Conclusion Adequate preoperative evaluation and prepa- ration can give patients mental preparation and full confidence for postoperative rehabilitation, postoperative early re- habilitation exercises can get well stability and less complications.
作者 关英
机构地区 沈阳市骨科医院
出处 《中国当代医药》 2013年第12期139-140,共2页 China Modern Medicine
关键词 关节镜 重建术 腘绳肌 后交叉韧带 康复 护理 Arthroscope Reconstruction Hamstring Posterior cruciate ligament Rehabilitation Nursing
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