
开关磁阻电机位置信号故障保护算法 被引量:1

Protection Algorithm of Position Signal Fault for Switched Reluctance Motor
摘要 针对开关磁阻电机的位置检测器件在恶劣环境下容易损坏、脱落等安全隐患问题,对转子非对齐到对齐位置这个循环中的位置信号进行分析,根据正常和异常位置信号随转子转动的规律,提出针对位置信号故障的保护算法,在STM32处理器为核心的控制器上实现算法,并建立测试系统对位置信号故障进行模拟,结果表明算法能在此异常状态准确判断并迅速做出保护动作,证明算法的有效性,提高了电机及控制器的安全可靠性。 The position sensor easily fall off or become breakdown when switched reluctance motor (SRM) operate on adverse environment. Considering this problem, the position signal in the cycle where rotor moves from unaligned to aligned positions was analyzed. According to the principle of position signal turn with rotor on normal and abnormal .situation, the protection algorithm for fault of position signal was proposed and implemented in the controller with STM32 processor as the core parts. The test system was set up and the abnormal situations were simulated. Results show that the proposed algorithm can recognize the abnormal situation accurately and execute the protection moves fast, which prove the effectiveness of proposed algorithm and improve the safety reliability of SRM and its controller.
出处 《电气传动》 北大核心 2013年第4期77-80,共4页 Electric Drive
基金 江苏省自然科学基金(BK2010167)
关键词 开关磁阻电机 保护算法 位置信号 故障 霍耳传感器 switched reluctance motor (SRM) protection algorithm position signal fault Hall sensor
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