
中国制造业就业的空间偏离—份额分析 被引量:6

Spatial Shift-share Analysis of Manufacturing Employment in China
摘要 在传统偏离—份额分析基础上,本文引入空间偏离—份额分析方法分析我国八大区域的制造业就业空间变动。研究认为,西部大开发对制造业的就业变动影响不大;2005年东部振兴和中部崛起以及国内外其他因素的作用使到制造业产业部门向非沿海地区转移,而且主要集中在中部区域和东北区域;东部沿海和南部沿海区域仍然是制造业发展的重要基地,制造业转移过程呈产业集中与产业转移同时发展的特征;沿海区域发展较好的产业部门难以向非沿海地区转移,非沿海区域对承接制造业产业部门存在着无序规划的问题。 In deviation from the traditional shift - share analysis, this paper introduces spatial Shift - share analysis methods to analyze the changes in the eight regions in China's manufacturing employment space.This paper argues that the large - scale development of the western region of the changes in employment in the manufacturing sector, in 2005 the eastern part of the revitalization and the Rise of Central China as well as oth-er domestic and international factors that led to the transfer of the manufacturing industry sector to the non - coastal areas, but mainly in the central region and Northeast regions, but along the east coast and south coaststill is an important base for the development of the manufacturing industry, and transfer process in the manu- facturing industry, industry concentration and industrial transfer is the simultaneous development of the sectorsof the more developed coastal regions difficult to non - coastal regions, rather than the coastal region to undertake the manufacturing sector tends to disorderly planning.
作者 黄顺魁 刘琼
出处 《产经评论》 2013年第2期30-41,共12页 Industrial Economic Review
基金 中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)项目(项目编号13XNH111 主持人黄顺魁)
关键词 空间偏离-份额分析 制造业就业 八大区域 产业转移 spatial shift- share analysis manufacturing employment eight regions industrial transfer
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