通过花粉管通道法将受照射的中 5DNA(小偃麦异源 8倍体 ,抗大麦黄矮病 )导入到受体小麦新克旱 9,在D3~D5 代获得了稳定的 5 4个品系。对其籽粒醇溶蛋白和麦谷蛋白进行电泳出现 3种变异类型 :第 1种类型为新谱带的出现或原有谱带的丢失 ;第 2种类型为供体谱带的出现 ;第 3种类型为谱带强度 (深或浅 )发生变化。根据农艺性状和籽粒贮藏蛋白电泳结果 ,精选 2 0份进行毒蚜接种 ,鉴定大麦黄矮病抗性 ,其中有 7个品系中抗黄矮病 ;1个品系 (97K1 0 77)高抗黄矮病。可初步认为供体中
Through pollen\|tube path, the irradiated donor DNA (Zhong No.5, agrotriticum) were introduced into the recipient (Xinkehan No.9), and 54 plant lines were selected from the combination Zhong No.5→Xinkehan No.9. There are three variation types of wheat gliadin and glutenin:1.appearance of new gel bands or disappearance of recipient′s gel bands; 2.appearance of donor′s gel bands; 3.the changes of band intensity. According to the agronomic character and storage protein variation, 20 lines were selected from 54 plant lines. BYDV\|resistance of the 20 lines were tested, and 8 lines of them showed middle resistance, line 97k1099 showed high resistance, indicating donor′s BYDV\|resistance gene were transformed successfully.
Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences
国家自然科学基金! (39370 439)