Wuzhong District city sewage treatment plant, the scale of the design daily processing 150000 tons of sewage, construction monomer of large volume, high anti - cracking and impermeable. In this paper, combined with engineering characteristics, the proposed 6 kinds of impervious and anti - crack measures : the addition of high performance expansive anti - cracking agent to improve the impermeability of concrete in the pool concrete, reinforced with seamless construction by in large area bottom pouring, body structure large pool using sequence placement techniques to reduce the effect of the hydration heat concrete shrinkage, round tank wall using unbonded prestressed technology to improve crack resistance of concrete components, as well as the pest - pouring belt, water expansion sealing strip in structure, through the application of several measures, effectively improve the anti - cracking and impermeable performance component, prevent crack and leakage occurred, to meet the construction and production requirements.
Sichuan Building Materials
pool anti - seepage concrete structure cracking technology application