在过去的十年里 ,水产养殖已经成为世界上发展最快的食品生产行业。对许多国家来说 ,水产养殖在国内、国际贸易方面的贡献日益增长 ,并增加了工人工资、扩展了就业人数 ,促进了国民经济的增长。新千年的开始赋予世界水产养殖新的发展机遇 ,同时也提出了新的问题和挑战 ,因此 。
Over the past 3 decades, aquaculture has developed to be the growing-fastest food producing sector in the world. Contribution of aquaculture to trade, both local and international, have increase d, and its share in the generation of income and employment and for nat: onal economic development has increased in many countries. Beyond 2000,aquaculture faces to more opportunities, as well as more challenges and therefore the sector may require new approaches to get its goals.