
浅析我国人胚胎干细胞发明的可专利性 被引量:2

Analysis of the Possibility Apply for Patent of Human Embryonic Stem Cell
摘要 本文对人胚胎干细胞发明在我国专利制度下的可专利性进行分析。目前,我国专利制度与欧洲专利制度相似,对于发明是否能被授予专利权都添加了道德因素的考量。通过比较中国与西方对"胚胎是否等同于人"的观念、国家对人胚胎干细胞研究的立场、《人胚胎干细胞研究伦理指导原则》在相关研究中的作用等,说明以违反社会公德为由一概否定人胚胎干细胞发明的可专利性略显武断。基于我国专利法的立法目的以及TRIPs协议中对公众健康予以保护的规定,笔者认为应进一步完善我国专利制度并以是否具有全能性为界限对人胚胎干细胞发明的可专利性予以区分处理。 The patentability of human embryonic stem cell technology was analyzed according to the Chinese patent system in this article. At present, the patent system in China is similar to those in Europe, with the addition of moral considerations to the patent grant process. We explored the different opinions regarding the issue of "where an embryo equals to a human being" in China and Western countries, the standpoint of our country on research using human embryonic stem ceils, and the effects of "moral guidelines on such research". We aimed to assess whether denying all patent grant applications for human embryonic stem cell inventions in order to obey a prevailing public moral stance is somewhat arbitrary. Based on the rules of patent law and the legislative goal in China for the protection of public health, we believe that the patent system should be further improved. Meanwhile, differential treatment of patent applications for human embryonic stem cell inventions should be applied when totipotency is used as the standard.
作者 刘李栋
机构地区 上海市血液中心
出处 《医院管理论坛》 2013年第4期9-13,共5页 Hospital Management Forum
关键词 人胚胎干细胞 可专利性 human embryonic stem cells patentability
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