
主动式冷梁空调系统适用性研究 被引量:7

Study on Applicability of Active Chilled Beam Air-conditioning System
摘要 主动式冷梁(Active chilled beam)作为辐射供冷末端的一种重要形式,具有节能、舒适等优势。本文首先根据主动式冷梁系统的工作原理,提出了3个反映其冷却性能、系统能效和结构特点的评价指标。在不同室外气象参数条件下,校核计算了主动式冷梁系统的适用范围,得出中国除部分高湿度临海地区需增加一次风系统表冷器排数外,绝大部分城市采用常规表冷器便可达到室内的负荷要求。而后,通过对3个评价指标的计算,进一步探讨了主动式冷梁系统在中国不同地区的适用效果,得出冷却性能和系统能效均按自西向东、自南向北的方向递增,而结构产生的性能优势变化趋势相反。由此可见,在中国北方地区,尤其是东北地区,采用主动式冷梁空调系统能效更高,优势更明显。 As an important terminal form of radiant cooling, the active chilled beam has advantages of energy-saving and comfortable. In this paper, based on the system's working principles ,three evaluation indicators in terms of cooling performance, system energy efficiency and structure features were presented. Under different outdoor meteorological parameter conditions, the applicable range of active chilled beam was checked by calculation. It was found that indoor cooling load requirements could be satisfied with conventional surface cooler in most cities in China, except that some coastal cities with high air humidity need to increase the row number of surface cooler of the primary air system. And then, though the calculation of three evaluation indicators, the applicable effects of active chilled beam in different areas of China were further studied. It was concluded that cooling performance, system energy efficiency increased from west to east, from south to north, while the trend for structural features was just opposite. The results indicated that the air-conditioning system equipped with active chilled beam had higher energy efficiency in northern China, especially in the northeast.
出处 《建筑科学》 北大核心 2013年第4期73-78,共6页 Building Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"混凝土辐射供冷建筑热动态特性研究"(51178298/E080301)
关键词 主动式冷梁 室外气象参数 评价指标 active chilled beam, outdoor meteorological parameter, evaluation indicator
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