Runoff plat in Bogcya forest with an area of 0. 664 km2 is a closed small watershed. According to the obser- vation from 1982 to1985,the average annual runoff coefficient in this watershed was 0. 16 and the average annual erosion depth of soil was 0. 18 mm which were 44% and 5. 6% respectively as much as those in Baimashi runoff plat without forests. Under same condition of precipitation, the initiation of runoff in Bo-geya runoff plat can be postponed for 80-210 minutes and the duration of runoff can be prolonged for 2-1.0 hours more than those in the Baimashi runoff plat,and the peak discharge also can be reduced by 23% as compared with that in Baimashi ruonoff plat . The benefit of forests in retaining soil water is obvious and the water content retained by forests per square kilometer is corresponding to the water stored in a small-sized rescrvior with a storage capacity of 348 thousand cubic meters.
Soil and Water Conservation in China