
议会主权下的英国弱型违宪审查 被引量:26

Weak Form of Constitutional Review in the Context of Parliamentary Sovereignty in the UK
摘要 维护议会主权与对人权的司法保护,为何在英国被认为存在矛盾?根源在于英国对其宪政传统——议会主权——的维护。英国通过在1998年《人权法》中建立弱型违宪审查机制的折中方式调和了这一矛盾。英国宪政改革的难题也是其他议会主权国家建立违宪审查制度时所必然面对的。英国弱型违宪审查的制度和原理为其他奉行议会至上原则的国家建立违宪审查机制提供了一个参考模板。 Preserving parliamentary sovereignty and judicial protection of human rights should be a pair of harmonious values,but they were incompatible in the UK.As the origin of democracy and constitutionalism, why the United Kingdom did not have a human rights bill until 1998? The reason is the concern of the supremacy of Parliament.However,the UK finally established a weak form of constitutional review to resolve this problem.Those countries who also believe in the parliamentary sovereignty may face the same problem when they consider establishing the constitutional review. This paper will study the experience of the UK comparing with American experience and German experience.Finally,it tries to provide a mode both practically and theoretically for those countries.
作者 李蕊佚
机构地区 清华大学法学院
出处 《法学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期164-175,180,共12页 The Jurist
基金 中国博士后科学基金第50批面上资助成果之一
关键词 弱型违宪审查 议会至上 人权保护 “不一致宣告” Weak Form of Constitutional Review Parliamentary Sovereignty Protection of Human Rights Declaration of Incompatibility
  • 相关文献


  • 1Feldman, D., "Proportionality and the Human Rights Act 1998" in E. Ellis (ed.) The Principle of Propor- tionality in the Laws of Europe, Oxford.. Hart Publishing, 1999.
  • 2Lester, A., "Human Rights and the British Constitution" in Jeffrey Jowell I: Dawn Oliver (eds.), The Chan- ging Constitution, (4th ed.), London.. Oxford University Press, 2000.
  • 3Campbell, T., "Incorporation through Interpretation" in Campbell, T., Ewing, K. and Tomkins, A. (eds.) Sceptical Essays on Human Rights, London.. Oxford University Press, 2001.
  • 4Irvine, D., Human Rights, Constitutional Law and the Development of the English Legal System, Oxford.. Hart Publishing, 2003.
  • 5Fenwick, H., Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Oxford.. Routledge-Cavendish, 2007.
  • 6R. Brazier, Constitutional Reform : Reshaping the British Political System, (3raed), London: Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • 7See D. Feldman, "The Human Rights Act 1998 and Constitutional Principles", Legal Studies 19.- 165 (1999), pp. 170 - 173.
  • 8"The first Bill of Rights this country has seen for three centuries", Speech, Institute for Public Policy Research, 13 January,2000.
  • 9See Lord Steyn, 2000 - 2005: "Laying the Foundations of Human Rights Law in the United Kingdom: Lecture to The British Institute of International and Comparative Law", 10 June 2005.
  • 10See Lord Anthony Lester, "Human Rights and the British Constitution" in Jeffrey Jowell : Dawn ()liver (eds.), The Chan- ging Constitution, (4th ed.), London: Oxford University Press, 2000, p. 89.


  • 1.Case 26/62,Van Gend en Loos v.Neclerlandse Administratie der Belastingen[].ECR.1963
  • 2.Case 14/83,Von Colson and Kamann v.Land Nordrhein-Westfalen[].ECR.1984
  • 3Joined cases C-6 and 9/90,Francovich and Bonifaci v.Italy. ECR I-5357 . 1991
  • 4Chalmers,Hadjiemmanuil,Monti,Tomkins.European Union Law:Text and Materials[]..2006
  • 5.Case 26/62,Van Gend en Loos[].ECR.1963
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.Case 2/74,Reyners v.Belgium[].ECR.1974
  • 9.Case 43/75,Defrenne v.Sabena[].ECR.1976
  • 10.Case 148/78,Publico Ministero v.Ratti[].ECR.1979










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