
海量结构化数据存储管理系统OceanBase 被引量:4

OceanBase——A Massive Structured Data Storage Management System
摘要 数据库是现代社会十分关键的基础设施,一直以来,数据库的扩展以纵向模式(Scale-up)为主,数据库系统的容量和性能更多依赖于服务器单机硬件(CPU/内存/磁盘/网络等)的提升,难以满足当今信息化社会对海量结构化数据的高性能、低成本的存储和处理能力的需求。本文设计和实现了一个基于横向扩展(Scale-out)模式的数据库系统OceanBase,该系统支持事务(ACID)和范围查询等关系数据库和SQL语言的主要功能分库分表不再需要,服务器可以在线地添加和移除。OceanBase已用于阿里巴巴的多个线上系统,每天提供数十亿次的实时读写访问服务。 DBMS is a critical infrastructure for modem society. Performance improvement of DBMS has relied on CPU/memory/storage/network updates in a dedicated site (scale-up) and thus makes DBMS feeble to handle today's massive structured data with high performance and low cost. In this paper, we have built OceanBase, a semi-distributed shared-nothing system which supports key features of RDBMS and SQL, e.g., general purpose transaction (ACID), range query, etc. Sharding is obsolete and servers can be added/removed to/ from OceanBase on-the-fly. OceanBase has been used by dozens of projects in the product system of Alibaba and offers billions of real-time read and write queries every day.
机构地区 阿里巴巴
出处 《科研信息化技术与应用》 2013年第1期41-48,共8页 E-science Technology & Application
关键词 数据库 事务 分布式系统 扩展性 Database Transaction Distributed System Scalability
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