核酸疫苗免疫的一个安全性问题是核酸分子免疫接种后的去向。为探讨不同免疫途径及形式的核酸免疫后的基因表达部位 ,我们用克隆于pCMV载体的大肠杆菌 β 半乳糖苷酶作为模型系统 ,不同途径免疫注射后 ,通过染色后的颜色来观察报道基因的表达水平以及分布 ,从结果来看 ,肌肉、腹腔、鼻腔注射裸DNA或脂质体 DNA 2 4h后 ,蛋白可以在不同的组织中表达 ,表达水平与注射途径以及免疫方式有关。连续观察 ,在核酸注射第 5d后 ,没有再检测到 β 半乳糖苷酶的表达。
One of the safety concerns of nucleic acid immunization is the fate of nucleic acid molecular in vivo after its administration. To address the site of gene expression following different DNA administration routes and forms, we use the reporter gene E.coli galactosidase in the expression plasmid pCMV as a model system. Expression of protein can take place in a variety of tissues and in different level 24 hours after intramuscular, intranasal and peritoneal injection of naked DNA or liposome?DNA forms. We didn't detect β?gal expression five days after gene delivery.
Letters in Biotechnology