目的:分析乳腺放射状瘢痕(radial scar,RS)的临床病理特点和处理方法。方法:回顾性分析2009年7月至2012年7月广东省中医院乳腺科收治的25例乳腺RS患者的临床病理资料。结果:25例患者发病年龄为36~55岁,其中,以肿块为主诉者15例,以局部结构紊乱、钙化灶为主诉者10例。25例患者中单纯乳腺放射状瘢痕者5例(20.0%);伴良性增生性病变者15例(60%),伴癌前病变者5例(20%);伴恶性肿瘤者0例。临床初诊误诊率为15/25,超声以及钼靶片检查诊断误诊率均为25/25,冰冻病理诊断符合率为25/25。结论:乳腺RS多伴其他乳腺病变,与乳腺癌的关系不明确,术前辅助检查易与乳腺癌混淆。手术切除是安全有效的治疗措施。
Objective To study the clinical and pathological features and treatment methods of breast radial scar(RS).The clinical and patho- logical data of 25 patients of breast RS treated in Guangdong T.C.M. Hospital of hyperplasia of mammary glands between June 2009 and June 2012 were retrospectively analyzed. Result The age of the RS patients was 36-55 years.Ten patients were admitted for breast mass and else were admitted for structural disorders or calcification.Of the 25 patients,only 5 (20.0%)had simple RS; 15 (60%)had RS with be- nign lesions; 5 (20%)had RS with precancerous lesions and had no RS with breast cancer.Among the 25 patients of RS,the misdiagnosis rate was 15/25 in clinical practice (25/25 by ultrasound and mammography);the detection rate was 25/25 by frozen pathology.Conclusion Breast RS is usually accompanied with other breast diseases.Preoperative auxiliary examinations are not accurate or reliable,which often provide misdiagnosis of breast cancer. Local excision is a safe and effective method of diagnosis and treatment.
Inner Mongolia Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine