The lithology and physical property of the Third Block, Fourth Block and Fifth Block of low permeability oilfield in Bonan Oilfield are analyzed systematically, the result show that the low porosity and low permeability of the rock are controlled together by sedimentary process and diagenesis. The sedimentary water force is complex and variable, the rock are buried deeply, the compaction is strong, the diagenesis (quartz cementation, quartz over- growth, and calcite cementation and etc) are usually developed for the rock which have a little content of clay min- eral, and the porosity and permeability of the rock are destroyed. Moreover, the potential microfraetures and superi- or stress planes of the weakness developed in rocks which made the rock have stronger stress sensitivity in low permeable sublayer oilfield. The findings show that the permeability has five types along with the increase of the over- burden pressure. Along with the increase and decrease of the net overburden pressure, the decrease trend and amplitude and resume trend and amplitude are also different. It is in close relationship with the clay mineral content, with or without calcite cementation and granular classification in the rock.
Petroleum Geophysics
low permeability, rock property, stress sensitivity and Bonan Oilfield