

Research on Pathogeny Type and Pollution of Phycomycosis in Domestic
摘要 经调查国内存在于粮食、饲草、饲料和病料中的藻菌 ( Phycomycetes)有 2 1种 ,能引起人类致病的有总状毛霉 ( Mucor racemosus)、爪哇毛霉 ( Mucor javanius)、刺囊毛霉 ( Mucor spinosus)、多枝毛霉 ( Mucorramosissimus)、微小根毛霉 ( Rhizomucor Pusillus)、多变根毛霉 ( Rhizomucor Variabilis)、匍枝根霉 ( Rhizopusstolonifer)和蛙粪霉 ( Basidiobolus)。引起动物致病的有总状毛霉、微小根毛霉、足样根霉 ( Rhizopusrhizopodi-formis)和伞枝犁头霉 ( Absidia corymbifera)。其中多变根毛霉系根毛霉属的新种。人类藻菌病多为继发性条件感染 ,呈零星散发 ,发病类型有肺型、鼻脑型、消化型、皮肤型及全身播散型。同时发现由多变根毛霉引起的人体原发性皮肤藻菌病。感染藻菌病的动物有家兔、豚鼠、小白鼠、雏鸡、肉鸭、猪、奶牛、山羊和大熊猫 ,其中鸡、鸭和奶牛为群发性 ,尤其雏鸡常呈暴发流行 ,并成为笼养鸡的常发病 ,其它动物呈零星散发流行。主要病型有肺型、肾型、眼型、消化型、皮肤型及全身播散型 ,因动物种类不同而呈现不同的病型。检验自然状态下饲草、饲料 ,发现藻菌占霉菌总数的 1 1 .56%,是饲草、饲料的主菌相 ,而在疑似藻菌病的畜禽场 ,其饲草、饲料中藻菌占霉菌总数的 2 2 .0 %。 There are 21 types of phycomycetes in grain, forage, feedstuff and sick materials of our country by survey,some of them can result in human pathogenesis. They are Mucor racemosus , Mucor javanius, Mucor spinosus,Mucor ramosissimus, Rhizomucor pusillus, Rhizomucor variabilis, Rhizopus stolonifer and Basidioboius. Some have pathogenicity on animal. They are Mucor racemosus , Rhizomucor pusillus, Rhizopus rhizopodiformis and Absidia corymbifera .Among them Rhizomucor variabilis is a new species of Rhizomucor genus .Phycomycosis of human are usually belong to secondary infection and happen in scattering.There are many types of phycomycosis such as the lung type, the nasal and brain type,the digestion type,the skin type and the general body scattering type.At the same time, it was observed that Rhizomucor variabilis lead to the primary skin phycomycosis of human body. The animal infected with phycomycosis are rabbit, cavy, mice, chick,meat duck,pig,cattle,goats and panda,chick,meat duck and cattle often infect phycomycosis in group.Especially in chick,phycomycosis often happen suddenly and become common disease of cage bird.But in other animal they happen in scattering. Main types of disease are :the lung type, the kidney type, the eye type, the digestion type,the skin type and the general body scattering type.Different animal have different type of disease. It has been found that phycomycetes in forage and feedstuff make up 11.56% of the total number of mould by testing.Phycomycetes hold a dominant germ of forage and feedstuff. In poultry and animal farms which are doubted have phycomycosis infection, phcomycetes in forage and feedstuff make up 22% of total number of mould.The rate of pollution is secondary versus Aspergillus.Feedstuff in common use example cake, wheat bran,chaff and straw etc.Phycomycetes in these feedstuff account for 12%~48% of total number of mould.Phycomycetes are a main factor which results in phycomycosis of animal.
出处 《西北农业学报》 CSCD 2000年第2期5-10,共6页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目
关键词 动物 藻菌病 病原 污染调查 Human Animal Phycomycosis Pathogeny Pollution survey
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