通过对不同地区烟叶中烟碱含量测定发现 ,烟碱含量相差甚远。同一植株下部烟叶中烟碱含量高于中、上部烟叶中的含量 ;自然晾干烟叶中烟碱含量高于烤干烟叶中的含量 ;当年烟叶中烟碱含量高于陈年烟叶中的含量。为烟碱生产单位提供了参考依据。
By measuring the nicotine content among the tabacco leaf in the different areas.We find that the gap of nicotine content in the different areas is very distinct,and the nicotine content among the upper stratum of tabacco plant trunk is higher than that among the middle of substratum of the same tabacco plant trunk,and the nicotine content among the tabacco leaf by dry in the air is higher that among the tabacco leaf by dry of bark,and the nicotine content among the tabacco leaf that year is higher that among the tabacco leaf tast year.We provide productive units with reference data.
Applied Chemical Industry