研究了超高分子质量聚酯 (UHMW-PET)特性粘数及纺丝溶液浓度对初生纤维可牵伸性能 (EDRmax)的影响。结果表明 :在给定分子质量下 ,存在一个最适合纺丝的浓度 ,在该浓度下 ,纤维具有最大的可牵伸倍率 ,此时纤维中大分子的缠结中密度处于最有利于拉伸的状态 ,并且随着分子质量的增加 ,适合纺丝的最佳浓度反而下降 ,但是在该浓度下 ,初生丝的拉伸性能都随着分子质量的增加而增加。
The effect of molecular weight and concentration of UHMW-PET on the drawability of as-spun fibres was studied in this paper. Dry-jet wet-spinning is the efficient way to produce UHMW-PET as-spun fibres. The molecular weight and the concentration of polymer have marked effect on the drawability of as-spun fibres. With the increasing of molecular, the optimum concentration to achieve maximum extension drawing ratio (EDRmax) decreases, but the EDRmax of as-spun fibres increases.
Synthetic Technology & Application