本文研究了淀粉与乙二醇在酸性催化剂下合成乙二醇葡萄糖苷的工艺,考察了反应温度,糖醇摩尔比,催化剂用量,反应温度,反应压力等因素对反应和产品结果的影响,确立了较佳的工艺条件和参数:反应温度~110℃,压力为6.65kPa,催化剂与经折合的淀粉中葡萄糖单元摩尔比为0.03:1,醇糖摩尔比为6:1,反应时间为~90 min,中和剂为 NaOH。
The paper has studied the synthesis process of glycol polyglucoside by using starch and glycol in the presence of acid catalyst. In the reaction process, the influences of various factors, such as reaction temperature, the male ratio of glycol to glucose units in maize starch, amounts of catalyst, reaction pressure and so on, have also been investigated. Better process conditions and parameters have been found. The results are that reaction temperature is about 1 10℃, reaction pressure is 6. 65 kPa ) the male ratio of catalyst, glycol to glucose unit of starch is about 0. 03: 6: 1 (mol: mol: mol) , reaction time is about 90 min and neutralization agent is NaOH.