由于数位化及互动化的需求,IP技术也自然导入到TV的领域,演变成所谓IPTV服务。视讯资料需具有实时性及高带宽的需求,所以各国在发展宽带网路的过程,都把IPTV服务的成功视为重要技术的突破。影音服务的丰富度及展现性是IPTV产业成功的重要因素,所以以串流影音区段播放、前台页面广播消息侦测、封锁特定IP使用者及限制最大上线人数、影片播放状态侦测等技术,以实践影音内容快速重组机制以呈现特定主题之影音服务,影音及视讯强制广播功能,以及在线人数及带宽有效掌握等影音服务。整体系统是架构在Media Service 9,Microsoft Visual Studio 2008,SQL Server2000等环境开发。
For the progress of network technology, IPTV becomes an important broadband service these days. On the suc- cess of IPTV service, the richness of the audio-visual services and control mechanisms plays an important factor. The technolo- gies that quickly recompose video contents for a specific topic are designed and implemented in this paper. The play control to break in and interrupt a video play for a specific user was realized. The maximum on-line users were limited. The system is based on Media Service 9, Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, SQL Server 2000. The system practice shows that it provides qualified audio-visual services for an IPTV system.
Modern Electronics Technique
National Science Council
under Grant NSC 100-2631-H-158-001