
基于中心性的工程承包商合作网络脆弱性仿真 被引量:5

Centralities based Vulnerability Simulation of Contractors' Collaboration Network
摘要 以2003~2008年国家优质工程为原型构建工程承包商合作网络,运用三类中心性测度分析个体承包商在全局网络中的位置特性,基于Matlab平台仿真研究不同中心性测度下的网络全局脆弱性。研究表明具有高中心性的承包商在网络中具有较强的沟通、控制或依赖性,通常其业绩亦较好,衡量网络整体脆弱性的相对有效中心性测度依次为介数、接近性和度。研究为工程行业可持续发展提供理论依据和实践指导。 An engineering collaboration network was constructed based on 2003-2008 National Quality Award Projects. Topological properties and centrality characteristics of the network were analyzed using complex network theory. Results show that contractors with high centrality measures have the ability to communicate, control and be dependent with other contractors. Vulnerability simulation based on three kinds of centrality measures shows that the relative order of effectively measuring the overall network vulnerability is betweenness, closeness and degree. This study can provide theoretical basis and practical guidance for the sustainable development of the construction industry in China.
出处 《土木工程与管理学报》 2013年第1期62-66,共5页 Journal of Civil Engineering and Management
基金 国家自然科学基金(70640007 70871093 91024023) 中国博士后科学基金(2012M520935) 上海市重点学科建设项目(B310)
关键词 国家优质工程 合作网络 中心性 脆弱性 national award projects collaboration network centrality vulnerability
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