
基于多因素的盾构施工诱发地表变形动态模拟 被引量:2

Study on Simulation of Ground Deformation Caused by Shield Construction Based on Analysis of Multi-factor
摘要 盾构施工诱发地表变形与岩土介质条件有关,并受到隧道几何特征、施工工况、施工环境等因素变化的影响。本文以武汉地铁2号线项目为工程背景,根据地表变形监测数据,研究盾构施工中影响地表变形的因素,将地表变形分解为趋势变形与随机变形,建立地表变形与主要影响因素之间的非线性关系。采用改进的智能计算方法建立非线性系统进行智能辨识,用于构建多因素-双模的地表变形分析系统(MDIAS),模拟分析多个影响因素作用下的地表变形。结果表明,MDIAS系统在用于隧道施工诱发地表变形计算方面,不仅能够较好地反映各种因素对地表变形的影响作用,而且能够动态地模拟复杂条件下的地表变形演化规律,具有较高准确性与可靠性。 Ground deformations induced by tunneling is not only affected by rock soil media conditions, but also affected by the other factors (i. e. , tunnel geometry, shield operations and construction environment). Taking Wuhan subway line 2 as the background, the influence factors on effects of the deformation in tunneling are investigated based on the measured deformation data. And the ground deformations decomposed into trend deformation and stochastic deformation. The nonlinear relation between influence factors and ground is established. Meanwhile, an improved intelligent method is employed to identify the nonlinear system. And a multi-factor dual-mode intelligence analysis system (MDIAS) is constructed. The deformations are simulated by the MDIAS based on the variation factors. It is shown that MDIAS can not only preferably reflect the various factors in deformation calculation, but also dynamical simulate the deformation evolution in the complicated condition. MDIAS is an effective tool for estimating soil deformation.
出处 《土木工程与管理学报》 2013年第1期81-86,92,共7页 Journal of Civil Engineering and Management
基金 "十二五"国家科技支撑计划课题(2012BAK24B01)
关键词 地表变形 隧道工程 影响因素 非线性辨识 ground deformation tunneling engineering influence factors nonlinear identification
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