

Detection of HIV 1 Viral Load in Plasma by Isothermal Amplification (NASBA) at Various Stage of HIV 1 Infection
摘要 : [目的 ]开展 HIV- 1血浆病毒载量 (VL )的检测 ,探讨我省不同临床阶段 HIV感染者血浆 VL水平与其临床表现、预后之间的关系。 [方法 ]定期随访我省 1992~ 1999年发现的部分无症状 HIV感染者和有艾滋病相关综合征 /艾滋病的病人 (各 4例 ) ,并采集外周血。应用等温核酸序列扩增技术 (NASBA)测定各病例的血浆 HIV- 1病毒载量(VL )。在随访中 1例出现临床进展 ,进行了第 2次 VL测定 (间隔 6个月 )。 [结果 ]不同临床阶段的 HIV感染者 8例(9份血浆 )全部检出 HIV- 1RNA,敏感性达 10 0 %。有症状 HIV感染者的 VL显著高于无症状感染者 ,分别为(4 .890± 0 .336 ) lg/ ml和 (3.6 18± 0 .2 0 6 ) lg/ ml。在随访期间出现临床进展者前后两次的 VL分别为 3.778lg/ ml和4.5 31lg/ ml,升高 0 .75 3 lg。 [结论 ]上述 8例我省不同临床阶段的 HIV感染者体内均存在活跃的 HIV病毒复制 。 Objective] To detect HIV 1 RNA in plasma at various stage of HIV 1 infection, and identify their virus loads (VL) for exploring the relationship between VL and either clinical manifestation or prognoses. [Methods] HIV 1 viral load in plasma of 4 asymptomatic and another 4 symptomatic patients infected with HIV 1 founded in Fujian during 1992~1999 was regularly tested by isothermal nucleic acid sequence based amplification (NASBA). Except the one had clinical progress, their plasma were secondly tested at an interval of 6 months. [Results] Irrespective of their stage of HIV 1 infection, all 8 cases had detectable HIV 1 RNA in plasma, But the viral load in plasma from the symptomatic cases were significantly higher than the asymptomatic cases (P<0.001), (4.890±0.336) lg copies/ml and (3.618 ± 0.206) lg copies/ml respectively. For the subject observing clinical progress, his second VL increased 0.753 lg. [Conclusion] HIV 1 were actively replicated in vivo in 8 cases infected HIV 1 in Fujian. And it seems also a close relation between HIV 1 viral load and either clinical manifestation or prognoses, and worth of further study.
出处 《海峡预防医学杂志》 CAS 2000年第3期1-3,共3页 Strait Journal of Preventive Medicine
基金 福建省卫生厅青年科研基金资助项目! (1 998.8- 2 0 0 1 .7)
关键词 HIV-1感染 病毒载量 NASBA HIV 1 infection Viral load NASBA
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