
燃煤电厂SO_2总量核查关键内容与信息化研究 被引量:2

Research on Key Content of the Total Verification and Informatization about SO_2 Emissions in Coal-fired Power Plant
摘要 "十二五"期间SO2总量减排压力依然巨大,面临着更加严峻的考验。在对"十一五"总量减排经验进行总结后发现,准确充分地核查实际减排量是总量控制目标得以完成的重要原因之一。总量核查的难点在于不同行业其生产工艺、产排污环节等内容均不相同,核查方法也不同。SO2排放量中燃煤电厂所占比重最大,本文通过对燃煤电厂SO2总量减排核查各环节中的原则、步骤、方法等进行梳理,分析其中的重点和难点,随后引入信息化核查的新思路并讨论实现方式,以期帮助环保部门更好的完成总量核查工作。研究指出,根据国家颁布的"十二五"污染物总量控制要求,SO2排放要实行总量控制的计划管理,即8%的削减指标,是在消化五年经济社会发展带来的污染物新增排放量的基础上实现的。为了确保减排目标,需要采取以下四个方面的措施:一是严格落实减排目标责任制;二是严格控制新增量;三是完善减排经济政策;四是加强监管,尤其是一些投入减排设施的运行监管,确保减排项目按期建设并投入运行。而保证基于总量控制计划的总量核查工作能够顺利进行,则是加强监管这一措施的集中体现,同时也是减排工作落到实处不可或缺的重要手段。 The pressure of S02total emission reduction is still great in The 12th Five-Year Plan, facing a more severe test. After summarized the experiences of total emission reduction in The 1 lth Five-Year Plan, we find that fully accurately checking the actual emission reduction is one of the important reasons for the total amount control target completion. The diflqculty lies in the different industry total verification of its production process have different pollution links and verification methods. SO2 emissions from coal-fired power plants accounts for the largest proportion. In this paper, we have analyzed the key points and the difficulties, on the basis of sorting out theprinciple, procedures, methods, etc. in the various links of total coal-fired power plant SO2 emission reduction verification. Then, information technology has been leaded into the total verification, and discussed how to achieve, in order to help the environmental protection department better to complete the total verification works.
出处 《环境与可持续发展》 2013年第2期60-63,共4页 Environment and Sustainable Development
关键词 燃煤电厂 SO2 总量核查 coal-fired power plants SO2 the total verification
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