
利用GOCE重力场模型确定全球稳态海面地形及表层地转流 被引量:4

The global mean dynamic topography and its corresponding sea surface geostrophic current derived from GOCE gravity field model
摘要 稳态海面地形(MDT)是大地测量学家和海洋学家共同关心的一个重要物理量。该文基于WHU2009全球平均海面高模型和GO_CONS_GCF_2_TIM_R3纯GOCE重力场模型,采用几何法经高斯滤波处理后确定了全球稳态海面地形,与CLS09及DTU10MDTs相比,其差值均方根RMS均小于8cm,表明该文结果具有较高的精度;根据地转流方程计算了相应的表层地转流,与GRACE重力场模型GGM03S结果相比,GOCE重力场模型所确定的表层地转流在墨西哥湾流、黑潮及厄加勒斯海流等海域均体现了更强的流速和更多的细部特征,验证了GOCE在洋流探测中的优势。 Mean dynamic topography (MDT) is an important physical quantity of common concern from geodetic scientists and oceanographers. In this paper, WHU2009 mean sea surface height model and GO_CONS_GCF 2 TIM_R3 gravity field model which is derived from GOCE data are used to calculate global mean dynamic topogra phy using pointwise approach after Gaussian filtering, compared with CLS09 and DTU10 MDTs, their root-meansquare values are less than 8 cm, which can indicate that the MDT model calculated in this paper has high accuracy. Its corresponding sea surface geostrophic current is determined by geostrophic current equation, compared with the sea surface geostrophic current from GGM03S gravity field model, the result from GOCE shows stronger cur- rent speed and finer details in Gulf Stream, Kuroshio Current and Agulhas Current regions, it can be proved that GOCE has more advantages in determining mean dynamic topography and sea surface geostrophic current than GRACE.
出处 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期15-20,共6页
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划资助(2012CB957703)
关键词 稳态海面地形 表层地转流 GOCE 平均海平面 大地水准面 mean dynamic topography l sea surface geostrophic current GOCE mean sea surface geoid
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