目的 为临床手术提供有关三叉神经根的解剖学资料。方法 经福尔马林固定的成人尸体头部标本 2 6具 (5 2侧 ) ,手术显微镜下解剖、观察三叉神经根与周围血管的关系。结果 1与三叉神经根关系密切的血管包括小脑上动脉 (SCA)、小脑下前动脉 (AICA)及基底动脉的脑桥支。2三叉神经根动脉主要发自基底动脉的脑桥支 (出现率为 43.5 % )和 AICA(出现率为 41 .2 % )。结论 SCA,AICA及基底动脉的脑桥支在行经三叉神经根时 ,一方面可对神经根形成压迫 ,另一方面可发出分支营养三叉神经根。
Objective To provide anatomical data of trigeminal root for operation of the microvascular decompression (MVD).Method The neurovascular relationship of the 52 cases of formalined adult cadavers was studied after india ink and gelatin had been injected into the internal carotid artery.Result ①The vessels implicated in compression,including the superior cerebellar artery (SCA),the anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA) and pontine branch of the basilar artery.In 52 perfused cadaver dissections,compression was found in 46.15% and was located at the root entry zone in 36.54%.The arteries compressing the trigeminal root were most often noted to come from the SCA,and the percentages of it were 21.57%.②The most frequent parent vessels were the pontine branch of the basilar artery (43.5%) and the AICA(41.2%).The trigeminal arteries from the pontine branch of the basilar artery and AICA,most of the former entered into the superior of the trigeminal root (48.98%),but most of the later entered into the inferior of it (57.63%).Conclusion The relationship between the trigeminal root and adjacent blood vessels was close.On the one hand,the former could be compressed by SCA,AICA and the pontine branch of the basilar artery,on the other hand,the later might be parent vessels of the trigeminal artery. [
Acta Academiae Medicinae Weifang