

Analysis on 2012 Advertising Research Trends
摘要 本文以西方目前主导性广告学术类五大刊物在2011-2012年间所刊登的139篇学术论文为主要考察对象,整理出六大广告研究热点:赞助活动的作用机制成为研究热点,网络时代下的广告新动向,社交媒体依然为讨论重心,市场营销寻找新突破,网络时代的消费者心理研究与新兴市场中的广告研究。社交媒体与口碑营销依然是研究热点,传统的广告模式、广告心理研究也成为2012年不可或缺的部分。由于2012年的伦敦奥运及金砖五国的兴起,也使赞助广告和新兴市场中的广告研究成为2012年独特的热点。 This thesis taking Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, International Journal of Advertising, Journal of Interactive Advertising, Journal of Marketing Communication and Journal of Marketing Communication, which stand for the trends and new features of advertising, as research samples to exam the perspective changes of advertising study in the Western Countries. These journals have published 139 theses during 2011 and 2012. The monographic study is more highlighted, mainly in the fields of sponsorship, social networking sets, advertising in the BRICs and other emerging markets etc. Interdisciplinary research has become distinctive characteristics.
作者 许正林 马蕊
出处 《中国广告》 2013年第4期140-145,共6页 China Advertising
基金 上海市传播学重点学科项目"20世纪西方广告理论研究"前期成果
关键词 赞助广告 社交媒体 金砖四国 新兴市场 sponsorship, social networking set BRICs, emerging markets
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  • 1Eun Sook Kwon,Yongjun Sung.Follow Me! Global marketers’’Twitter Use[].Journal of Interactive Advertising.2011
  • 2Sarah J Kelly,T.Bettina Cornwell,Leonard V.Coote,Anna R.McAlister.Event-related advertising and the special case of sponsorship-linked advertising[].International Journal of Advertising.2012
  • 3Mark D Groza,Joe Cobbs,Tobias Schaefers.Managing a sponsored brand:The importance of sponsorship-portfolio congruence[].International Journal of Advertising.2012
  • 4Srdan Zdravkovic,Brian D Till.Enhancing brand image via sponsorship:Strength of association effects[].International Journal of Advertising.2012
  • 5Chingching Chang.The effectiveness of advertising that leverages sponsorship and cause-related marketing:A contingency model[].International Journal of Advertising.2012
  • 6Kihan Kim,Patricia A Stout,Yunjae Cheong.The image management function of sponsorship:A general theoretical framework[].International Journal of Advertising.2012
  • 7Yong Seok Sohn,Jin K Han,Sung-Hack Lee.Communication strategies for enhancing perceived fit in the CSR sponsorship context[].International Journal of Advertising.2012
  • 8Julie A Ruth,Yuliya Strizhakova.And now,goodbye--Consumer response to sponsor exit[].International Journal of Advertising.2012
  • 9Anna R McAlister,Sarah J.Kelly,Michael S.Humphreys,T.Bettina Cornwell.Change in a Sponsorship Alliance and the Communication Implications of Spontaneous Recovery[].Journal of AdvertisingSpring.2012
  • 10Andrea L Micheaux.Managing e-mail advertising frequency from the consumer perspective[].Journal of Advertising.2011








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