

Obeservation of Nailfold Microcirculation of Healthy Adults in Different Age Groups in North of China
摘要 目的 :探讨年龄因素及地区因素对甲襞微循环的影响。方法 :按田牛甲襞微循环综合评分方法 ,对按不同年龄分组的 142例中国北京地区健康成人甲襞微循环进行观察、测量、计分、分析 ,同时将部分指标与国内报道的正常参考值进行对比分析。结果 :北方地区各年龄组健康成人甲襞微循环积分值分别为 2 0~ 39岁组 1.17± 0 .7、 40~ 5 9岁组1.74± 1.0 8、6 0~岁以上组 2 .48± 0 .6 1。各组的管袢形态、流态及袢周状态积分值及总积分值均随年龄增加呈递增趋势 ,组间比较有极显著差异 (P <0 .0 1)。各年龄组积分值均明显高于国内报道的同年龄组的正常参考值 (P <0 .0 1)。微循环的管袢数、输入枝、输出枝、袢顶管径随年龄增加呈递减趋势 (P <0 .0 5 )。积分值增高主要表现在管袢清晰度下降、畸形管袢率增加、血流缓慢、红细胞聚集、出血、乳头变浅、乳头下静脉丛可见。其中血流缓慢、红细胞聚集、乳头变浅、乳头下静脉丛可见出现率随年龄增加呈递增趋势。结论 :北方地区健康成人甲襞微循环加权积分值偏高且受年龄因素的影响 ,随着增龄积分值增高。 Objective: The effects of age and region factors on the nailfold microcirculation were investigated.Method: With the use of Tianniu comprehensive assement of nailfold microcirculation, the nailfold microcirculation of 142 healthy adults of north of China in different age groups were observed, then compard some indexes with the normal reference value reported in the county.Results: In the different age group of northern healthy adults, the integral value of the nailfold microcirculations is 1.17 ± 0.7 for 20~39 age group, 1.74 ± 1.08 for 40~59 age group, 2.48 ± 0.61 for over 60 age group. For the different groups, the integrall of all the items of vascular loops and the total integral value have th tendency to increase with age and there is distinct different among the groups( P < 0.01 ), The integral value of every age group is obviously higher than the normal reference value of the same age group according to the national report( P < 0.01 ). The number of loops, diameters of afferent, efterent, limbsand apical potion of loops have the tendency to decrease with age( P < 0.05 ). The increase of integral value is showed in: indistinction of vascular loops, increase of abnormal vasular loops, slow velocity of blood, erythrocyte aggregation, exudation, hemorrhage, visibility of sub paplillary vennous plexus and flatness of papilla, among which the slow velocity of blood, erythrocyte aggregation, visibility of sub papillary venous plexus, flatness of papilla have the tendency to increase with age( P < 0.05 ). Conclusion: The weighted integral value of nailfold microcirculation of northern healthy adults are slightly higher and affected by age, with the tendency to increase of with age.
出处 《微循环学杂志》 2000年第2期16-17,共2页 Chinese Journal of Microcirculation
关键词 中国 成人 甲襞微循环 Microcirculation, nailfold Northern area, China Healthy adults
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