
员工特质、转移机制与组织绩效——基于母子公司间人力资本转移的路径分析 被引量:1

Employee Characteristics,Transfer Mechanism and Organizational Performance——Path Analysis of Transferring Human Capital from Parent to Subsidiary
摘要 根据144份企业集团问卷调查数据,采用结构方程模型分析了母公司员工特质对子公司绩效的影响路径,并检验了母子公司间转移机制的两个维度在其中是否发挥中介效应。结果发现,母公司员工特质对子公司绩效的直接效应并不十分显著,母公司转移意愿与能力和子公司吸收意愿与能力在母公司员工特质对子公司绩效的作用中发挥完全中介作用。研究结论支持母公司员工特质对子公司绩效的"间接效应"观点,表明企业集团要实现协同效应,提升整体绩效,就应当注重提升母子公司间转移和吸收的意愿与能力,充分发挥转移机制的作用。 With the rapid change of global economic environment, it is an important topic to promote comprehensive performance of enterprise group. Based on a sample of 144 questionnaires from enterprise group, this paper analyzes the influence of employee characteristics from parent on subsidiary performance using Structural equation modeling, and tests if two dimensions of transfer mechanism play a mediating effect. The results support that a perspective of "indirect effect", and suggest that enterprise group should focus on improving the willingness and capacity of transfer and absorption between parent and subsidiary, and playing a full role of transfer mechanism to achieve synergy and improve comprehensive performance.
作者 高娟 汤湘希
出处 《山西财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期87-94,共8页 Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71072166) 中南财经政法大学"研究生创新教育计划"课题(2011B0905)
关键词 员工特质 人力资本 转移机制 组织绩效 employee characteristics human capital transfer mechanism performance
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