
聚乙二醇-硫酸铵双水相体系萃取α-葡聚糖酶 被引量:6

Extraction of Dextranase by PEG/(NH_4)_2SO_4 Aqueous Two-Phase Systems
摘要 采用聚乙二醇-硫酸铵(PEG-(NH4)2SO4)双水相体系对α-葡聚糖酶进行萃取,以两相比、酶活、蛋白浓度、比活力以及萃取率为参数进行比较,探讨了使用不同分子量的PEG、不同的PEG浓度以及不同(NH4)2SO4浓度下对酶分配行为的影响。实验结果表明,α-葡聚糖酶在质量分数13%的PEG4000以及13%的(NH4)2SO4的双水相系统中,可获得较高的比活力2364.97 U/mg以及萃取率99.94%。 In the PEG(polyethylene glycol)/(NH4)2SO4 aqueous two-phase system, the effects of the PEG molecular weight, PEG and ammonium sulfate concentration on the dextranase extraction were studied. According to parameters of dextranase activity, protein concentration, specific activity and extraction rate, we can find the best technological parameter. The results indicated that the best PEG molecular weight was 4000, the best PEG4000 concentration was 13%, and the best ammonium sulfate concentration was 13%. In this condition, specific activity of end product is 2364.97 U/mg and extraction rate is 99.94%.
出处 《甘蔗糖业》 2013年第1期38-42,共5页 Sugarcane and Canesugar
关键词 聚乙二醇 双水相萃取 α-葡聚糖酶 Polyethylene glycol PEG Two-phase systems Dextranase
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