
《巴黎宣言》的框架分析 被引量:2

Framework Analysis of "Paris Declaration"
摘要 国际社会针对千年发展目标的实现做出了许多努力,其中2005年众多发展行动者共同签署的《关于援助有效性的巴黎宣言》正式提出了援助有效性议题。《巴黎宣言》所强调的所有权、和谐、合作、成果与共同责任5项原则被学界称之为"巴黎原则"。综合巴黎原则、《巴黎宣言》的实施状况以及《巴黎宣言》与其他框架的比较三个方面的相关文献,可以为援助有效性议题的研究提供更多的参考。多数学者在对《巴黎宣言》的评价方面关注到了两个问题,即其缺乏对政治以及权力问题的背景关怀与不同受援国的背景。这导致了《巴黎宣言》的实践同文本之间存在着一种间隔。后续的研究可以以援助有效性的话语权为切入点,重点关注不同的发展行动者对《巴黎宣言》内容的具体实践。 Many efforts have been made by global society to reach the Millennium Development Goals."Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness" was one of the important efforts which officially proposed the topic of Aid Effectiveness on 2005.Paris Declaration focused on the five principles – ownership,alignment,harmony,results and mutual accountability,which were called "Paris Principles".This paper reviews the related research and divides them into three parts—Paris principles,the practice of Paris declaration and the comparison between Paris principles and others agenda,in order to provide some usefulness to the issues of Aid effectiveness.Through this review,we can see that mostly researcher believe that the Paris Declaration lacks concerns of the politics and power context,as well as the difference between individually recipient countries.Thus there is a gap between the practice and text of Paris Declaration.Based on this lacking,the future research should focus on the different practice of development actor under the discourse of Paris Declaration and introduce the perspective or discourse power into research.
作者 王妍蕾 雷雯
出处 《北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第2期125-128,共4页 Journal of Beijing Union University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 巴黎宣言 巴黎原则 援助有效性 Paris Declaration Paris Principles Aid Effectiveness
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