
成都市孕妇孕中、晚期运动状况调查与分析 被引量:7

Investigation and Analysis of Physical Activity of Pregnant Women During the Second and Third Pregnancy Trimesters in Chengdu
摘要 目的探讨成都市孕妇孕中、晚期的运动状态及特点,为指导孕妇孕中、晚期开展合理运动提供科学依据。方法采用便利抽样法,对2012年8月至9月在本院产前检查的300例孕中、晚期孕妇进行调查。采用自行设计的《孕中、晚期运动状况调查表》,对其一般资料,孕中、晚期运动意向,主要运动方式、次数与时间,家属对孕妇孕中、晚期运动的态度等进行评价,并采用SPSS17.0统计学软件进行统计学分析(本研究遵循的程序符合本院人体试验委员会制定的伦理学标准,得到该委员会批注,并征得受试对象的知情同意)。结果本组问卷的有效回收率为91.9%(273/297)。其中,87.5%的孕妇认为孕中、晚期可以适当运动,而其主要运动方式为散步,从事散步与其他所有运动方式率之和比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=29.23,P<0.001)。而本组孕妇从事爬山、瑜伽、羽毛球、不运动及游泳间比较,差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.80,P=0.0591)。运动时间>30min者为<15min者的5.4倍;不同运动时间比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=98.11,P<0.001)。此外,每周运动次数<3次者为>7次者2.3倍,每周不同运动次数间比较,差异亦有统计学意义(χ2=177.12,P<0.001);丈夫在照顾孕妇的亲人中,"赞同"其孕中、晚期运动比例最大(65.6%)。结论成都市孕妇孕中、晚期运动形式单一、运动知识缺乏,需加强孕妇健康指导,纠正其不良运动习惯。 Objective To investigate the status and characteristics of physical activity of pregnant women during second and third pregnancy trimesters in Chengdu, and to provide the scientific evidence for developing rational movement of pregnant women. Methods During August to September 2012, a total of 300 cases were recruited into this survey by convenience sampling method. A questionnaire survey was used to collect their physical activity information, advanced motion in pregnancy intentions, main physical activity ways during pregnancy, frequency and duration of physical activity, and family members' attitude towards physical activity during pregnancy. SPSS 17.0 statistical software was conducted. The study protocol was approved by the Ethical Review Board of Investigation in Human Being of West China Second University Hospital. Informed consent was obtained from all participates. Results Effective response rate was 91.9% (273/297). Among 273 cases, 87.5% of them hold that physical activity during second and third trimesters was OK and the main way for them to exercise was walk. There had significant difference between walking and other exercises ways (χ2 = 29.23, P(0. 001), but there had no significant difference among rates of climbing, yoga, badminton, and swimming (χ2 =2.80,P=0. 0591). The percent of frequency of 3-7 times a week among pregnant women was 70.7 %. There had significant difference between exercise frequency less than 3 times and over 7 times (χ2 = 177. 12, P〈0. 001). Conclusions The physical activity form of pregnant women in Chengdu is single and lack of knowledge. It is necessary to strengthen the health guidance for pregnant women and correct the bad habits of physical activity to ensure the safe of pregnant women and their children.
出处 《中华妇幼临床医学杂志(电子版)》 CAS 2013年第2期162-165,共4页 Chinese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics(Electronic Edition)
关键词 孕妇 孕中、晚期 运动 pregnant women second and third pregnancy trimesters physical activity
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