
汇通的比较逻辑学探究——比较逻辑学学科理论体系建构高层次阶段性研究略解 被引量:1

Analysis of Absorption Comparative Logic——High-staged Studies the Theoretical System of the Comparative Logic
摘要 汇通的比较逻辑学以描述的和评价的比较逻辑学为基础,是比较逻辑学学科理论体系建构的一个高层次的阶段性研究。其根本特点在于它的汇通性,即不同逻辑体系之间的汇通融合。比较逻辑学研究的初级阶段是描述的比较逻辑学,较高阶段是评价的比较逻辑学。前两个阶段的任务主要体现在对不同逻辑体系、逻辑观或同一体系内部不同的逻辑分支等做出描述和评价,第三个阶段主要是在前两个阶段的基础上进行融会贯通。汇通的比较逻辑学是比较逻辑学学科体系建构的最高层次。 The absorption comparative logic is based on descriptive and evaluative comparative logic. It lies in the stage of a high -lev- el research in the construction of the discipline system of the comparative logic. Its fundamental characteristic is absorption, which is the fusion of the different logical systems. The initial stage of the study of comparative logic is the descriptive comparison logic, and the higher stage is the evaluative comparison logic. The main tasks of the first two stage s are description and evaluation of the different logical systems, logical concepts, or the same branches within the system, and the third stage is mainly digested based on the first two stages. The absorption comparative logic is the highest level of the discipline system of the comparative logic.
作者 王东浩
机构地区 南开大学
出处 《南昌航空大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第1期9-14,25,共7页 Journal of Nanchang Hangkong University(Social Sciences)
基金 2011年度国家社会科学基金西部项目"中西方必然推理比较研究--以<九章算术>刘徽注为对象"(11XZX009)
关键词 比较逻辑 学科构建 汇通 科学性 comparative logic discipline construction absorption scientific characteristic
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