
专业英语及其教材对我国高校ESP教学的影响 被引量:177

The Impact of Subject-based English and Its Teaching Materials on ESP Teaching in China
摘要 本文通过对我国专业英语教学和教材发展的回顾,和对ESP关键概念的界定以及国际上ESP教材编写原则和实例的介绍,提出了我国目前出版的专业英语教材并不是真正的ESP教材,而是类似于双语课程教材的观点,并认为造成这种伪ESP教材的原因是我国外语界缺少对ESP理论及其发展的研究,而反过来,这种冠以ESP的教材加深了大学英语教师对ESP的误解和恐惧,结果阻碍了专门用途英语在我国的发展。 Based on the review of Subject-based English (SBE) and its teaching materials in China's Mainland, and the definition of ESP and its writing principles in the world, the paper draws the conclusion that many teaching materials of SBE published in China's Mainland are more English-Chinese bilingual education than ESP. Failure to study the ESP theories and its development leads to the pseudo-ESP materials which have created the mis- understanding and even fear of ESP among English teachers. Hence they act as a barrier to the development of ESP in main- land China.
作者 蔡基刚
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期1-4,共4页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 国家社科基金项目"转型时期大学英语教学发展现状调查及对我国外语人才培养制定的影响研究"(项目编号:09BYY027)的研究成果
关键词 专业英语 专门用途英语 教材 Subject-based English ESP teaching materials
  • 相关文献


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