
中国学习者对“抄袭、剽窃”的认知研究 被引量:10

A Perceptive Study on Plagiarism from Chinese EFL Learners
摘要 为了探究中国学习者对"抄袭、剽窃"的认识,本研究比较分析高、低水平组针对不同抄袭作品的识别与态度。结果显示,学习者对显性抄袭表现出较高识别力,且普遍视其为抄袭并予以否定,对隐性抄袭则表现出较低识别力,并倾向于视为活学活用进行肯定;其中高水平组更为宽容。研究表明,学习者认识与西方学术规范存在偏差,基于此我们提出,学术机构亟需明细引文规范,需基于"抄袭、剽窃"的复杂本质制定相关制度。 This inquiry sought to determine Chinese EFL learners' understanding of the notion of plagiarism. The study included two groups of non-English majors, with one group of 18 high achievers and the other of 22 low achievers in English learning. The subjects were under in-depth investigation to discover if they were able to recognize inappropriate textual appro- priation in two forms, verbatim copying (i. e. , apparent plagia- rism) and patch-writing (i. e. , subtle plagiarism), and how they would view the textual practices. The findings reveal that verbatim reproduction was readily recognized by the majority of the subjects, who tended to regard it as plagiarism that is to be disdained, and that subtle plagiarism was less discernible to them, yet was highly recommended as an instance of creative learning and application. Of the two groups, the high achievers distinguished from the low ones with more lenient feedback. The results indicate that the students' understanding of plagiarism de- viates from the norm in Western academic cultures. Drawing on this, we suggest that explicit guidance he provided by academic institutions on citation and referencing among learners, and that within the dynamics of institutional regulations concerning plagi- arism, the issue needs to be understood in its complexity.
作者 秦朝霞
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期26-30,共5页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 江南大学人文社科自主科研计划专项项目(项目编号:2013ZX41)部分成果
关键词 抄袭 剽窃 中国学习者 识别 态度 plagiarism Chinese EFL learners recognize attitude
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