
中日美命令/请求言语行为回应中关系管理与身份构建的对比研究 被引量:14

A Contrastive Study of Rapport Management and Identity Construction in the Responses to Orders/Requests in Chinese, Japanese and American Languages
摘要 本文对比分析了中、日、美三种语言中会话者在命令/请求言语行为回应中的面子管理与身份构建。基于Spencer-Oatey的关系管理论与Simon的身份构建论,本研究发现:1)地位相同语境中,汉语会话者比日语会话者更重"自我取向",维护公平权,确立积极素质面子;2)地位不同语境中,日语会话者比汉语会话者更具"利他趋同取向",凸显交际权,表征积极身份面子;3)以上两种语境中,美语会话者都最重"利己趋异取向",强示公平权,重新修正并施加身份面子。 This article makes a contrastive analysis of rapport management and identity construction in responses to the speech acts of orders and requests in Chinese, Japanese and American languages. Based on Spencer-Oatey's rapport management theo- ry and Simon's identity theory, the analysis finds that 1 ) With equal status, Chinese interlocutors may concern more about self- orientation, implicate equity fights and construct positive quality face than Japanese speakers; 2 ) With unequal-status, Japanese interlocutors are more likely to accommodate to others, project association fights and formulate positive identity face than Chi- nese interlocutors ;3 ) In both contexts above, American interloc- utors strongly accommodate to self-orientation ,emphasize equity fights and impose identity face upon others.
作者 李成团
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期51-55,共5页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 教育部人文社科项目青年基金项目"语用顺应视角下的视点站位 身份构建与人际礼貌研究"(项目编号:10YJC740057) 广东省哲学社会科学"十一五"规划项目青年项目"适应论视角下隐性否定中身份构建的言语策略及其语用理据"(项目编号:GD10YWW02)的阶段性成果 "广东省高等学校珠江学者岗位计划资助项目"(项目编号:122-GK120002)的资助
关键词 命令 请求 关系管理 身份构建 人际礼貌 orders/requests rapport management identity con-struction politeness
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