
孩子:学校里的"陌生人"--新移民孩子在学校的体验世界 被引量:7

Children as Strangers in School:The Lived World of a Newcomer Child
摘要 在当今世界,上学是大多数孩子的一种司空见惯的经历,因此很少会有家长和老师把孩子上学的经历看做是新来者或陌生人的体验。基于Schütz对陌生人的描述,从现象学的视角观察学校这一场所,可以看到孩子在学校的确是新来者或者陌生人。学校的经历是孩子习以为常的家庭生活的断裂,它把一套新的、陌生的规则强加在孩子身上。从家庭到学校生活的断裂体现在孩子对空间、时间和人际关系的体验变化。孩子在学校的角色不同于在家里的角色。学校生活不但要求孩子有一个本体论的变化,还在孩子身上强加了一个特定的(科学的)认识论,用以构建他们的知识和对世界的认识。从生成现象学的视角解释孩子陌生性的教育意义,可以看到,我们永远也不可能真正理解孩子,而这一简单的教育事实为我们世界的革新提供了道德的手段。 Since going to school is an experience common to most children in our contemporary world, it is rare that either parents or teachers see the child's experience of entering the school as being similar to that of a stranger, a newcomer in the true sense of the word. Schtttz's description of the stranger invites a phenomenological investigation of school as a place where all children are indeed newcomers or strangers. The experience of schooling represents a ruPture in the child's taken-for-granted life at home; it imposes new and foreign order and rituals on the child. This discontinuity is experienced in changes in a child's embodied sense of space, time and relationships. The role of a child in the school is different from his or her role at home. Thus school necessitates not only an ontological change in children, but also imposes a particular (scientific) epistemological construction of their knowledge of and about the world. Our pedagogical understanding of foreignness in children from a generative phenomenological point of view shows us that the simple fact that we are never really able to understand Who the children are, .opens the possibility of pedagogy as an ethical means of renewal of our world.
出处 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期127-137,共11页 Educational Research
关键词 生成现象学 文化陌生性 新移民孩子 作为陌生人的孩子 generative phenomenology, cultural foreignness, new immigrant children, children as strangers
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