目的:研究心瓣膜置换患者的脑动脉微栓子(MES)情况。方法 采用Multi-Dopx4经颅多普勒超声(TCD)仪对30例心瓣膜置换患者分别于术前、术后1周、术后3个月做TCD栓子监测。结果随着瓣膜的置入,MES的发生率明显增加,从术前的7%上升到术后12.87天的93%、术后3.2个月的100%。随时间的延长栓子出现的频率显著增加,且栓子分布的左右侧差不明显,一般不出现神经系统的症状和体征,但有导致痴呆或其它渐增脑损害的可能。结论 多通道TCD仪是研究心瓣膜置换患者脑动脉MES的可靠方法。
Objective To Study the cerebral arterial micro-embotic signals(MES) in patients with heart . valve replacement. Method The MES were monitoring using Multi-Dop X4 transcra nialDoppler in 30 patients with heart valve replacement before and at 7,90 days after surgery. Results MES prevalence increased avidently from 7% preoperatively to 93% on the 12. 87 postoperative day and 100% on the 3. 2 postoperative months following valve implantation. MES freGueney in creazed with duration of valve implant. A side preference of MES was not statistically evident. There was no neurological system defict, but dementia or other gradually increased brain damage were likely to happen Conclusion Multi-Dop transcra-nial Doppler is a relible way to study the cerebral arterial MES in patients with heart valve replacement.
Journal of Brain and Nervous Diseases
Transcranial Doppler Microerabolic signal Heart valve replacement