
7类食品中反式脂肪酸含量的调查 被引量:4

Survey of trans fatty acids in seven kinds of food
摘要 对采集的7类76种食品中的反式脂肪酸(TFAS)异构体构成及其含量进行调查。采用气相色谱内标法测定反式脂肪酸(TFAS)含量。结果表明:68%样品中的TFAS含量≤0.3 g/100 g,29%样品的TFAS含量在0.3~2.0 g/100 g,只有3%样品的TFAS含量>2 g/100 g。除锅巴和膨化食品外,被检食品中的TFAS异构体的组成主要是以C18∶1t为主,其C18∶1 t总量占总TFAS含量的60%~96%,说明反式脂肪酸(TFAS)广泛存在于被检的各类食品中,除含人造奶油、代可可脂高的少数食品外,绝大多数食品中的TFAS含量水平不高。 Trans fatty acids content and composition of 76 food products of 7 seven kinds of food were surveyed. This paper utilizes an internal standard (IS) to determine the content of trans fatty acids. The results showed that the contents of TFAs in 68% of samples were not higher than 0.3 g/100g, in 29% of samples were ranging from 0.3 to 2.0 g/10Og, in 3% of samples were higher than 2 g/10Og. In addition to rice crust and the puffed food, the main kind of TFAs was C18: 1,. The total content of C^s: ~, accounted for 60% -96% of total TFAs. Conclusion Except a few foods, TFAs was widely present in most of foods with low levels.
出处 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期179-182,共4页 Food and Fermentation Industries
关键词 反式脂肪酸 食品 调查 trans fatty acids, food, survey
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