
现代疯癫的演化:问题与反思——以20世纪中期美国小说为例 被引量:2

Evolution on Modern Madness: Problems and Reflections——American Novels in the Mid-20th Century as an Example
摘要 20世纪以来非理性思潮渗透进美国文化、文学中,取代理性对西方文化、文明发展的引导功能。尤其在20世纪中期,两种思潮激烈交锋,美国文学中出现大量的非理性文学形象。本文通过对疯癫形象的解读,发现现代疯癫是对古典时代疯癫的嬗变以及颠覆,并呈现出其鲜明特征。在其背后折射出创作者对美国社会问题、资本主义启蒙现代性问题的反思和批判。对美国社会的批评一方面凸显出知识分子的社会价值,一方面也反映出他们对社会一定程度上的误读。 In the twentieth century irrational thoughts have permeated into American philosophy and literature and taken the place of rationalism to guide the development of Western civilization. Especially since the mid-twentieth century, two trends of rationalism and irrationalism have conflicted with each other and produced a number of non-rational literary images. Based on these madmen, this paper finds out that the modern madness has made a subversion of classical age' s madness in its aspects. Changes from the rational to the irrational reflect the authors' meditation and criticism on the American social problems and modernity. The criticism on U. S. has highlighted the social value of the modern intellectuals and their partly misreading of irrationalism.
出处 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期81-84,共4页 Foreign Language Education
基金 2011年湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目"资本主义现代性下的非理性体验--战后二十年美国小说中的疯癫研究"(项目编号:11B109)阶段性成果
关键词 美国小说 疯癫 审美现代性 知识分子 American novels madness aesthetic modernity intellectual
  • 相关文献


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