

Preparation of Nanoscale Pd-Au@Fe Trimetallic Catalyst Particles for the Dechlorination of Trichloroethylene
摘要 在乙醇水体系中利用硼氢化物液相还原法合成纳米铁颗粒,通过化学沉淀法将钯金粒子负载于纳米铁表面,得到纳米钯金铁(Pd-Au@Fe)三金属催化剂复合材料,采用TEM,EDS和XPS对其进行表征.结果表明,与纳米单金属Fe0及双金属Pd@Fe相比,三金属催化剂对三氯乙烯(TCE)具有更高的降解能力.保持催化剂加量1.4g/L,Pd/Fe为0.35%(ω),Au/Fe为1.0%(ω)时,其降解15mg/L TCE的速度最快,5min时去除率为88.21%,表观速率常数为0.311min-1,是相同Pd含量下Pd@Fe双金属催化剂的3.6倍.随降解反应持续,Pd-Au@Fe的乙烯乙烷生成率及乙烯加氢转换乙烷速率均远高于双金属Pd@Fe. Fe^0 nanoparticles were prepared through liquid phase reduction by borohydride in ethanol-water solution, nanoscale Pd-Au@Fe trimetallic catalyst was synthesized by the reduction of Pd^2+ and Au^3+ with Fe^0 nanoparticles. The structure and morphology of synthesized powder were characterized by TEM, EDS and XPS. The Pd-Au@Fe trimetallic catalyst showed the better reductive dechlorination property for trichloroethylene (TCE) than Fe^0 monometallic and Pd@Fe bimetallic one. Keeping the dosage of mass ratio of Pd to Fe at constant (0.35%) and Au to Fe at 1.0%, the removal ability of the trimetallic catalyst was the highest. After reaction for 5 min, around 88.21% of 15 mg/L TCE was removed when the catalyst dosage was 1.4 g/L. The dechlorination rate constant was 0.311 min^-1, which was 3.6 times of nanoscale Pd@Fe bimetal with the same loading rate. During the degradation reaction process, the generation rate of ethylene and ethane and hydrogenation conversion rate of ethylene to ethane by Pd-Au@Fe trimetallic catalyst are far higher than those by Pd@Fe bimetallic catalyst.
出处 《过程工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期321-326,共6页 The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:40971254,41173102) 国家青年基金资助项目(编号:20907023) 天津市科技计划基金资助项目(编号:12ZCZDSF01400)
关键词 纳米颗粒 钯金铁合金 催化剂 三氯乙烯 加氢 nanoparticle Pd-Au@Fe alloy catalyst trichloroethylene hydrogenation
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