
可调速的网络中心化仿真时间管理服务研究 被引量:1

Research on Adjustable Speed Time Management Service in Net-Centric Simulation
摘要 分析了网络中心化仿真时间管理服务应具备特征,比较了传统时间管理方法运用于网络中心化仿真的不足,得出了网络中心化仿真需要可调速时间管理服务的结论。首先针对网络中心化仿真时间管理中可能出现的瞬时消息问题,设计了一种可选传输方式的消息计数法;然后分析了仿真过程中瞬时消息产生与网络延迟相互关系,提出了一种基于延迟偏移的计算方法,并对网络中心化仿真实时性进行研究,提出了网络中心化实时仿真最大安全推进时间计算方法,该方法避免了瞬时消息对最大安全推进时间计算准确性的影响;另外针对网络中心化仿真时间管理,搭建了仿真实验环境;最后,对网络中心化仿真时间管理服务进行测试,证明其不仅可以有效避免瞬时消息,支持可调速仿真应用,并能较好适用于大规模仿真。 The characteristics of Net-Centric Simulation (NCS) time management services were analyzed and the traditional methods deficiencies used in NCS time management were compared. The conclusion was obtained that NCS required the adjustable speed time management services. First, the transient message problem was focused on which may occur in the NCS and a transmission protocol optional method was designed to count messages. Second, the relationship between network delay and the transient messages was researched, and a delay-based calculation algorithm was proposed. Besides real-time NCS was studied, and the Greatest Available Time (GAT) algorithm for instant message was proposed to ensure the accuracy of the calculation of time. Finally, the simulation environment was set up and the theory was tested, which proves it not only be efficient to avoid the instant messages, but also support for adjustable speed simulation applications, and can be better applied to large-scale simulation.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期983-989,994,共8页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 国家重点实验室基金项目(9140C8301011001) 中国电子科技集团基金项目(JJ0909) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)
关键词 网络中心化仿真 可调速仿真 时间管理服务 瞬时消息 大规模仿真 net-centric simulation adjustable speed simulation time management service transientmessages large-scale simulation
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