通过对现有的卫星移动通信系统星间链路的分析发现 ,不但卫星移动通信系统星间链路的指向具有周期性变化的特性 ,而且星间链路的相对距离也在周期性变化。这种星间链路指向的周期性规律变化 ,为星间通信链路的搜索建立以及星间通信设备的设计制造提供了研究的方向和理论依据。对星间链路的误码率的分析 ,主要探讨了由于卫星星体振动而引起的通信误码与振动的标准偏差 (幅度 )、通信所使用的光波波长、发射到接收的距离以及激光波束半径之间的关系 ,为实际星间链路的设计打下了坚实的理论基础。
Through the analysis of today's mobile satellite communication systems, it is found that not only the direction, but also the relative distance of the ISL are periodical.These characteristics provide a research direction and the theoretical basement for the establishment of ISL and the R&D of ISL communication equipment. Also the relationship between the bit error ratio and some factors, such as the satellite vibration standard deviation, the laser wavelength, the communication distance, the laser beam width and so on, is analyzed. It is very useful for ISL design of the mobile satellite communication system .
Optical Communication Technology