
交通事件的语义理解 被引量:3

Semantic comprehension of traffic events
摘要 为了较好地对视频中交通事件进行语义理解,减少底层特征与高层事件间的语义鸿沟,提出一种具有通用性的交通事件识别框架.首先,把事件分为单车行为、人车交互行为与车车交互行为;然后,根据语义层次,按基本语义单元、基础语义事件和高级语义事件的顺序对交通事件进行识别,并根据逻辑化的自然约束语言(NCL)的规则,给出了交通事件的语义表达形式,通过对高级语义事件建立隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)得到事件的高级语义,在一定程度上跨越了语义鸿沟;最后,通过实验验证了提出的方法. In order to acquire semantic comprehension of traffic events more clearly, and to reduce the semantic gap between low-level feature and high-level events, a universal recognition framework for traffic events was developed, which firstly classified events into three types: single vehicle behavior, human-vehicle interaction behavior and vehicle-vehicle interaction behavior. Then the traffic events were identified in order of basic semantic unit, basic semantic event, and high-level semantic event according to semantic level. Moreover, a semantic expression in traffic event was proposed based on the rule of logical natural constraint language ( NCL), and the high-level semanteme of an event was got by establishing hidden Markov model (HMM) to a high-level semantic event, thus diminishing the semantic gap to a certain extent. At last, the method proposed was proved by experiment.
出处 《应用科技》 CAS 2013年第2期5-10,共6页 Applied Science and Technology
基金 黑龙江省交通厅重点项目(2012JT016)
关键词 交通事件 识别框架 自然约束语言 语义理解 语义表达 隐马尔可夫 traffic event recognition framework natural constraint language (NCL) semantic comprehension semantic expression hidden Markov model (HMM)
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